Daybreak Baptist Church is committed to the spiritual renewal of Bakersfield. Our vision is not to be the largest or flashiest church in town, but to be a "birthing center" for faithful Christ-followers who are sent out across our city and around the world.
To fulfill this vision, Daybreak is committed to 3 things ⬇️
Without the gospel, all our efforts would be meaningless. The gospel of Jesus Christ has the power to transform lives, and it's the only foundation upon which the church should be built. In everything we do, we will strive to make the gospel clear and compelling.
The final command Jesus gave his disciples was to "make disciples." At the end of days, Jesus won't be concerned with how many "professions of faith" our church saw, but rather with how many disciples were made. We are committed to discipling and developing all those whom God has entrusted to us. Daybreak is currently in the process of developing a discipleship strategy.
When someone comes to saving faith in Christ, they join Jesus' mission. It's easy to believe that ministry is only for those with a specific "calling" (like pastors, missionaries, or evangelists), but that's simply not true. Every Christian is called by God to reach the world. For this reason, we will treat all members as missionaries. Some of our members may be sent across the world, while others are sent across the street. Whatever the case, we are committed to sending out missionaries from our local body.